Ease of Doing Business (EoDB)

KSIDC > Ease of Doing Business (EoDB)
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Ease of Doing Business (EoDB)

Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) is a World Bank initiative of ranking States/UTs based on the business environment. Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India releases the State business Reforms Action Plan (SBRAP) for implementation by States/ UTs. Based on the implementation score and feedback score obtained from the beneficiaries, the ranking is carried out. The aim of this exercise is to create conducive business environment by streamlining regulatory structures and creating an investor-friendly business climate.

  • Government of Kerala has been pro-active in taking up many initiatives to energize and stimulate the business environment in the State. Creating an investment climate which is aligned to sustainable and ecofriendly development is a multi-step process.
  • The State embarked on a multi-pronged framework and drew up a blueprint of an integrated infrastructure development strategy which encompassed policy reforms and business reengineering processes in many sectors.
  • This holistic approach adopted by the Government of Kerala dovetailing industrial development with sustainable development practices has facilitated the transformation of the state to a preferred investment destination and resulted in achieving an appreciable feat in SBRAP 2020 assessment in which Kerala rose to 15th rank and was categorized under Aspirers category (80%-90% implementation).

KSIDC is the nodal agency for EoDB activities pertaining to the State. The year-on-year performance of the State on EoDB is given below.

Year Rank Evidence
2016 18 Evidence – 2016
2017 21 Evidence – 2017
2019 28 Evidence – 2019
2020 15 Evidence – 2020
2022 Exercise in progress


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Last Updated on: 1 September 2024
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