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Carbon Trading: Plantation Industries are expected to be Sustainable
13-02-2023, Kochi


A seminar was organized under the aegis of the Directorate of Plantations on the potential and emerging trends of carbon trading. Prominent entrepreneurs in the plantation sector of Kerala participated in the seminar held at the Crowne Plaza, Ernakulam on 13th February 2023. Experts and faculties from different parts of India presented topics on the potential and emerging trends of carbon trading.


A comprehensive discussion on the latest trends and practices in carbon trading, the seminar covered the topics of trading processes, new trends in the market, the carbon trading economy, rules, and policies. The objective of the seminar was to provide a comprehensive understanding of the carbon credit process, its benefits, and steps in implementation.


The Principal Secretary of Industries Department A.P.M. Mohammed Hanish IAS, Director of Industry and Commerce and Plantation S. Harikishore IAS, Indian Institute of Plantation Management Director Prof. Rakesh Mohan Joshi, Association of Planters Kerala Chairman A. K. Jaleel, FICCI Kerala Co-Chair V. P. Nandakumar, CII Kerala State Council Member Venkitraman Anand and Department of Industry and Commerce Additional Director P. S. Suresh Kumar, presented their ideas in the seminar.


The main objective of the carbon credit initiative is to make the plantation industry more sustainable and profitable, as A. P. M. Mohammad Hanish IAS commented on the discussion. Plantation Director S. Harikishore IAS stressed the need for the plantation sector to tap carbon trading opportunities and the importance of incorporating new eco-friendly practices.


Assistant Professor of Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Bengaluru Dr. Sudha Srinivasan, Plantation Corporation of Kerala Managing Director Dr. James Jacob, Varaha Climateag Pvt. Co-Founder and CEO Madhur Jain, and Founder and Managing Director of CREDUCE Technologies Pvt. Shailendra Singh Rao led various sessions.


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Last Updated on: 9 March 2025
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