Loan Availability

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Loan Availability


KSIDC offers financial assistance and support to small, medium, and large-scale industries/businesses in the state, including service sectors infrastructure Projects, Food processing & Agro-based industry, Logistics, Biotechnology, Life sciences-based ventures, Electronic Hardware, Footwear & allied Industries, Tourism, Health care, Ayurveda products and services, Petrochemical downstream projects, Green Industry, Gas based industry, Marine manufacturing cluster / Shipbuilding, etc.


The financial assistance starts from Rs. 100 Lakhs and is limited to a maximum of Rs. 6,000 lakhs in a project.

Core Financial Products

  1.          Corporate Loan


In addition to the core financial products, KSIDC has also widened its gamut of financial services with an aim to reach out to the targeted fraternity in the MSME sector and start-up / scale-up segments as well. KSIDC has also formulated financial schemes which align with the various segment-specific policies of the State Government, so as to be better aligned with the long-term vision of the State Government.

Special Financial Products

  1.        WE Funding


Startup Support(Seed Funding & Scaleup Assistance)

  1.           Seed Funding

  2.            Scale Up Funding

Call Us Now +91 4712318922

Last Updated on: 27 March 2025
സന്ദ൪ശകരുടെ എണ്ണം :4491209